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What is Raw Foodism?

Much like vegetarianism and veganism, raw foodism is a dietary choice. People implement this diet to various degrees. The basic idea is to eat only raw foods. This consists primarily of vegetables, fruits, nuts and herbs. Some people include certain types of sushi as well. Raw food generally refers to anything uncooked and unprocessed. The belief is that cooking extracts many of the nutrients, so it should be avoided or eliminated entirely.

Reasons for following this diet:

Many people do it for weight loss purposes. It is considered one of the top weight loss diets. Of course, it is important to exercise along with any weight loss regimen. Other people choose this lifestyle to obtain optimal health. Your body gets the most out of food when it is consumed raw. However, there are some gaps that leave people deficient in certain areas. This is why individuals often eat a partial raw food diet and include cooked foods as well.\

Is it a difficult diet to follow?

Yes, it is extremely demanding and time-consuming to eat an entirely raw food diet. It is also very costly. One must have proper, high-quality equipment, including a juicer, mixer, blender, dehydrator, and food processor. It requires an enormous amount of time to prepare a full raw meal.

Drinks and dairy

Raw foodism can include some dairy products, but only unpasteurized, unprocessed milk and cheese. This causes some experts to believe this diet is unsafe. Clearly, there are health risks involved with unpasteurized dairy products. So, some individuals simply skip this part and eliminate dairy entirely or merely use pasteurized processed dairy. In regard to typical drinks, they tend to primarily drink water and various fresh juices.

Raw foodism is an interesting and unique dietary choice. For the average person, it is more practical to add raw foods into your regular diet rather than switching to a diet consisting mostly of raw foods. Those interested in weight loss may follow a strict raw food diet for a short period of time and then switch to a more typical healthy diet after they have dropped the desired weight.