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Why do We Need to Drink Water

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Why do We Need to Drink Water?

Staying hydrated is crucial to being healthy and maintaining the function of your body, including your brain, muscles, and heart. A healthy person needs 30 to 50 ounces of fluid a day. But how?

An easy way to stay hydrated is by fluids with medicine, socially, and at meals for example. The best way is by drinking 6 to 8, 8-ounce cups of water a day, but, there are other things you can do.

*Drinking water during, before, and after a workout.

*Drink water when you go to a restaurant. Not only is it hydrating, but it's free too!

*Keep a bottle of water with you during the day. To reduce costs, it's better to carry a reusable water bottle.

*If you don't like the flavor of plain water, add lemon or lime to your drink.

*When you are feeling hungry, drink water. Thirst can be confused with hunger. True hunger won't be satisfied by water.

*Drinking water may contribute to a healthy weight-loss plan.

*Try drinking water on schedule. When you wake up, at breakfast, lunch, and dinner as well as before you go to bed.

*You can drink a small glass of water at the beginning of each hour.

However, it's also important to watch for the signs of dehydration. Those being:



*Dry mouth

*Unusually dark urine



*Sleepiness or Fatigue

*Extreme thirst

Don't wait until you notice symptoms to take action. You can actively prevent hydration by drinking plenty of water. Each day, you lose water by sweating, using the bathroom, and even by breathing. But there are other ways you can become dehydrated.

*Diarrhea. This can cause a tremendous loss of water in a short amount of time.

*Vomiting causes loss of fluids and minerals.

*Fever. Generally, the higher the fever, the more dehydrated you become.

*Excessive sweating. If you are engaging in physical activity and don't replace fluids as you do, you can become dehydrated.

*Hot or humid weather. Heat increases the amount of water you lose through sweat.

*Excessive urination. Certain medications can cause dehydration.

However, it is important to know the serious, and possibly life-threatening complications caused by dehydration. Some examples being:


*Hypovolemic shock. This is one of the most serious and life-threatening complications of dehydration.

*Kidney stones

*Urinary problems

*Heat injury. Ranges from heat exhaustion to a possibly life-threatening heat stroke.

It’s easy to underestimate the importance of staying hydrated. We take for granted our access to clean, drinkable water. Many areas of the world do not have this life-giving liquid. Therefore, we should appreciate it and drink it as needed.